In this song, over and over it says You are always good. You are always good. You are always good. Ya'll, this is a hard truth to swallow. This is just down right tough. This truth is almost near impossible to cling to if we wanna get honest about it. And I don't have the magical formula that makes this easy to believe. But in the midst of famine and death and sickness and whatever is happening your personal world God is GOOD.
When I can't swallow this truth, when I don't understand why, when I am empty and worn out and can't feel this truth, I talk people like my dear pal Liz. Fondly known as "Boomer," this girl is cool. She lives in Ohio, which is unfortunate for the rest of us who do not live there for sure. I am amazed by how the Lord has blessed me with such a wonderful and understanding and compassionate friend. She knows me for me, she puts up with me yelling at her to "turn the lights off....Liz...Liz...turn the...Liz," she sacrificially loves and listens, and not just with me but with everyone in her life. She is my go-to for so many situations, for so many questions, for so many life moments. And she graciously accepts this role and points me constantly back to Christ while at the same time somehow making me laugh and see the funny side of everything. so shout out to Liz- I am blessed to have you walk so closely in my life.
I am also extremely thankful for my best friend Jennifer, who I affectionately refer to as "Chunk." If I say it nicely, it makes it ok, right? This girl somehow always can make people cheer up. She is goofy, she is hilarious, and she has a HUGE heart. She loves her friends and family more then most people I know. And she loves them well. She is selfless, always genuine, and always hilarious. I have the amazing privilege of not only calling her my best friend, but also getting to live with her! That's right, roommates! I have learned so much from her about how to live a joyful life, to walk in contentment, and to be happy. She sees the best in people, she sees the best in the world, and she loves lavishly. She's an incredible roommate, amazing best friend, and my personal cheerleader.
And a final shout out goes out to my dear friend Katee who I call "bossladaaay," "Kateelady," and most commonly, "Seester." She is my daily lunch date, lets me have friends over to her cool house, and invites me to dinner parties. She listens to my stories, or pretends to listen, I can never be too sure, and gives great, too-the-point, no-fluff advice. She also hosts a great solar/lunar-eclipse party. She is loving, funny, blunt, and always ready for an adventure. We always agree that God would've made us real sisters were that not too much perfection for one family to have! She also has a heart the size of this world and loves to help people. Along with this, she is very hospitable and welcoming to the people God places in her path! I love my seeeester/bossssladay!
These are the amazing people that the Lord has allowed to walk closely with me for varied amounts of time, but specifically, this year. They have been there in the good and bad and I have been blessed by them.
So when its hard to cling to the fact that God is always good, the Lord graciously allows people like this to walk with me, sit with me, hold my hand, laugh with me, pray with me, bring me before the throne of grace.
He is good, ya'll.