
Saturday, August 28, 2010


"'Ah, stubborn children,' declares the LORD, 'who carry out a plan, but not mine, and who make an alliance, but not of my Spirit'....For thus said the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel,'In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.'" Isaiah 30:1, 15
These people are some of my favorites from the wonderful people I worked with this summer.  Abbie is a stud at volleyball and plays at BIOLA in Cali.  Liz, or "Boomer" is hilarious and took the kamp dog home with her.  Her co, KatRose is a southern belle from the blessed state of Mississippi and is know for shouting, more importantly for shouting things like "GET IN MY POCKET." and "I'M SO AMPED RIGHT NOW." Miss Caroline works for the U.S. Respresentative from Georgia and loves to talk politics and be witty.  We were kampers together in ninth grade and she told me she didn't think I was a Chrisitian. We have since reconciled and are now just the best of pals.  Shannon is from the North, somewhere in Wisconsin, I think.  She is funny because she is from the north, but also because she is very clever. We all like her and hope she will move to the southern half of the U.S. one day.  And my wonderful co, "coco" Ali.  I didn't know her at all when they put us in a cabin together, but she became one of my best friends at kamp.  As fate would have it, we are the same person and share the same sarcasm, bluntness, and love of life.  We had so much fun and i was devastated when she left.

As previously alluded to, I spent the whole three months of my summer working at Kamp.  I worked, played, laughed, cried, and lived at Kanakuk.  To answer your question, yes it was hard, but the incredible and intense blessing far outwieghed any moments of difficulty. 

For the first half, i was a counselor.  I was in awe of my Kampers' intense desire to seek the Lord.  I was amused by their jokes, amazed by their hearts, and blessed by their yearning to serve God.  The Lord graciously allowed me to see Him and life through their eyes.

The second half of the summer I worked in the office.  I worked last summer and this summer as a counselor, so I have never seen the other side of kamp.  I was humbled and challenged as we worked on the tasks that hold kamp together. I got to observe the leadership team, kitchen staff, ropes crew, and directors very closely and learned so much about the dynamics of kamp and the complexities of people.

The Lord stripped my bare this summer. It took an entire summer in Lampe, Missouri but I came back into Dallas holding nothing.  He called me to let go of things, of people, and to just trust.  He allowed some wonderful people and really cool things to walk out of my life and some wonderful people and really cool things to walk into my life.  And through it all, he beckoned me to rest in Him, to allow Him to hold me through it all. When I didn't understand, in my immense joy and deep sorrow, in the times of incredible fun and in the lulls of the day, He asked me to trust in Him.  The dust is still settling, I don't really know where everything fits, where I fit, or what the purpose wqasin it all,  but  I know the Lord will allow time to reveal.  Through the whole summer, when I had nothing left to hold onto, I found how utterly important my faith is to me.  When my world was being wrecked, the Lord graciously allowed my faith to be strengthened.  My faith is the reason I live and breathe, the reason i exist.  I don't know what this next year holds, but I know Who holds my year. 

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