"Her spiritual poverty enables her to enter the world of the other, even when she cannot identify with that world-e.g. The drug culture, the gay world. The poor in spirit are the most nonjudgmental of peoples; they get along well with sinners. "
How often church people miss this. In the small town and mega churches, redemptive grace wrought from bloody Hands is traded in for judgmental stares and "bless her heart"s that scream from the pews "you're not good enough." sinners who have forgotten they too are saved by grace look at the unwed mother and the gay friend and say "your sin is far too great. Christ's death couldn't possibly cover THAT. " so with rules and prejudices and judgmental looks and the horrific gossip, the churches and private universities and "Christian" organizations turn away people whose hearts are so broken and ready to love Christ.
And Christ comes in.
He comes in and says something along the line of "whoever hasn't sinned? You cast the first stone."
And the high and mighty head masters and heads of denominational conventions, the arrogant and self righteous prick of a pastor, the head of the deacons. They must set down their stones one by one. Because Jesus said so. In the story with the Harlot and with the Blood dripping down the rugged wood of the cross.
He says, You are WANTED.
You and your gay partner, I WANT YOU.
You with the beer breath and hang over. I WANT YOU.
You with the dark secrets and feelings of worthlessness. I WANT YOU FOREVER.
He stands there, with arms wide open. Loving the judgemental churchy people all the while. Longing for them to be His heart and arms to the sinners, to the world. But stepping in to love and save both.
Saving the self righteous and wayward alike.
Let us love.
Go forth and love.
Lyd <><
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