this is my dad. well, a picture of him.
He is the greatest man to ever live. Including Michael Jordan, Adam Scott, Sam Bradford, Tim Tebow, and yes, even my beloved George W. Bush.
There is one slight problem with having such a great mann be my has ruined my dating life. ruined, down the drain, crash and burn, explosive, shot to heck, donezo. here are some reasons why....
1. My dad has always made a big deal of spending time with me. Starting when I was 3, we went on Daddy dates, often to Bass Pro, and we still do this....every sunday.
2. My dad makes a HUGE deal about birthdays, accomplishments, goals, hopes, dreams, and just plain ol' regular days.
3. My dad has about one hundred thousand bajillion nicknames for me. Often depending on the day some may include "My favorite 21 year old ever" "Regionals bound girl" and my personal favorite "number one goal scorer on Prestonwood ever" Now, I'm not very athletic, the best golfer ever, and I am sure that there are a million 21 year olds who are more awesome then me. but not in my dads eyes. The regular nicknames are "Darlin," "HoneyDarlin" "LydMeister" "Lyd" and "Honey Bunches of Oats"....yup, the cereal. He's called me that since I can remember.
4. He's never late. ever. If we meet for church, for lunch, to fix my car, you name it. He's at least 10-15 minutes early.
5. He never yells at me. Don't get me wrong, my sisters and I all got the dawg spanked out of us by both parents- and had our fair share of voices being raised at us, but my Dad never yells at me.
6. My whole life, if my dad ever felt like he did anything wrong, he would apologize. that in and of itself is enough. But I would always say, "It's ok, Daddy" and he would say, "No, it's not." He not only apologized but took full responsibility for anytime he hurt my feelings, even I was being an oversesitive little lady.
7. My dad has more integrity then the pope. This was especially annoying in my teenage years when I didn't necessarily always want to live to the highest standard my dad had for me. But my dad never falls short on his commitments. NEVER. Heading into my adult years (what!?....forreals) I have seen how hard he has had to work to live up to this level of integrity bc it is HARD to always take the high road, ya'll! But for all 21 years of my life, he has walked in integrity.
8. My dad is HILARIOUS. he can always make me laugh and is the funniest person i know.
9. He will listen to me for hours. (seriously) and listen to me talk in circles. (that is LOVE bc I can gab with the best of em)
10. My dad loves adventures. That's where i get it. That's why I think everything is a party.
So those reasons are why my dating life is ruined. Because no boy measures up. They fall miserably short, and I am not settling. And that is AWESOME. Because in all seriousness, I am so thankful for a dad who loves me. For a dad who loves Jesus more then he loves anything or anyone. Who held me to the highest and almost impossible standard, and always showed me how important of personal relationship with Jesus is! love ya, Dad-i-o!
Peace out!
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