
Monday, April 25, 2011

life chelsea lately except more funny and way less raunchy

Well, my last post was about death and its role in my life this semester. And so now, I am going to highlight life.  Life has been quite the adventure lately- which is great,

Spent the night in the hospital with this girl after some complications in surgery. don't worry, she is fine. and recovering quite well. and despite what this picture looks like, she does love me.
Now, let me fill you in on some things you need to add to your life if you would like to be even more happy then you already are. 1. BACON. breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, midnight snack, brunch. BACON IS ALWAYS APPROPRIATE.  Don't you dare reach for the Turkey Bacon- tHE Turkey species wasn't meant to give you bacon, they were designed to give you food poisoning. (Need I tell you the story of the Turkey Sandwhich in Nashville Vs. Lydia Sherrill?? SPOILER ALERT: I LOST) Bacon can only help you be happier- go run a few laps or hike about after if you must. 2. Listening to Garrett Hedlund in the movie Country Strong. Kill me, baby he is GOOD. Listen to his song with sweet Leighton "Give in to me" and try not to absolutely pass out form how sexy he is, I dare you. you won't be able to do it, you won't. If you can, I will take you out for a steak dinner. and then tell you how stupid you are and how you have no clue of what good music sounds like. 
3. Have really good friends. They can bring so much JOY to your life!! Stop hanging out with those losers you hang out with. All they do is whine and complain, and talk badly about other people---HELLLLLOOOOOEEEEE- NO FUN!!! Be around people who are funny, who can make you laugh, who will watch Country Strong with you and make fun of you for crying, take care of your smelly dogs when you're out of town, and go fishing with you. Be friends with those people- stop hanging out with people who are miserable!! They will only make you a miserable, bitter old person just like they are!

4.  Do something you normally wouldn't. I always encourage you guys to do this...and I bet you haven't yet.  GET OFF YOUR LAZY HINEY AND GO FORTH MY PEEPS!!   you won't regret fact, you will probabaly flood my inbox with praises of my wisdom.  JUST GO. go to that concert, hang out with that person, try that weird lookin food, go dancing. JUST GO.
5. Get some accountability in your life. listen, I love you and more importantly, God loves you. Way more then I ever could or would ever want to. But, YOU STINK. there are shallow and deep-seaded issues alike that, if unchecked, can wreck your life. let people call you out. here's the thing, you are prideful, arrogant, selfish, stupid, weak, and sometimes your outfits are strange. the last one isn't important, but wouldn't you rather have someone who loves you and wants to push you to the cross tell you that?
6. Order a sweet tea. That'll bring ya happiness just thinkin about it. I know Jesus drank wine, and somehow I think He might have drank sweet tea, too. (That is just my feeble, stupid opinion, not Biblically-based at all)
Life's for the livin! stop mopin around, making dumb decisions, hanging out with bitter, stupid people, and being ok with unhappiness. Do things that make you happy, God rejoices, let's rejoice too! In the world He put us in!

Love ya'll, GO FORTH AND LIVE!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

this is a season right?

Seasons end. That's the great thing. They don't last forever. Winter leaves. It's like that in nature- so is it like that in life too? It's gotta be. This semester, for whatever reason, I have had six people in my life leave this world and go to the other side of eternity. For some, we begged for healing from the sickness that raged inside their bodies. We pleaded with the Healer and Creator to come, to rescue, to heal. And he did- He healed them on the other side of eternity. He is still a Healer. But, He didn't heal them on this earth. And I don't get it. And let's just get very honest here, I am mad. And the other people, sweet, precious people who did good here on this earth and loved their families and their friends and were so much fun- they were taken in an instant. No warning, no sickness, just gone. just tragedy.  And it doesn't make sense. And my God, my faithful Redeemer, the one who loves me and holds me through the anger and anguish, He's big enough to deal with my questions. I don't know what to ask, not just yet. Right now, all I can say is "God, I'm angry" and "God, this hurts" And He knows. And He's not leaving. And He still loves me.

For those of you stuck in this place, it's okay. It is. It's okay to grieve. Don't you dare force yourself to fake a smile when good-meaning, but very, very stupid people say "It was just their time" "Look for the good in this" and "They wouldn't want you to feel like this" I want to BACK-HAND every person who says these things. True or not- we are meant to grieve. We grieve because they were good, they were full of life, they were dear to us, and they were loved. And we mourn them  because they will be missed.

God's okay with this. And I am too. He is loving hanging out with these six people up in heaven, I bet their having an absolute blast. But I'm gonna miss having a blast with them down here.

My friend Holle showed me these songs- man, are they GOOD!  for those of you walking through this too, take a listen- they helped me.

"When we’ve given up
Let Your healing come
When there’s nothing left
Let Your healing come"

Monday, April 4, 2011

put it on my card


lately i've been thinking. that's a lie. lately, I've been running around like the crazy no-hair britney spears. remember those days? All stages of Brit are funny, but this one was over the top, in a good way.  back to me. in between going 90 to nothin' I have had a few passing (and staying) thoughts about who I am. I read a really cool thing today on this hilarious blog called about how we are all created with an identity. God makes us who we are...and basically, along the way we let sucesses and failures redefine us and we sadly, and sometimes, accidnetally forget the original identity God gave us. This is sad and true. In our twenties, we can be selfish and "redefine ourselves," "rediscover ourselves," :find ourselves," "lose ourselves," and just truly be too concerned about ourselves. but thats ok. be we are twenty-something selfish children with not a care in the world. so, inspired by this, here are some one-liners/ideas/ phrases/keys that I live by and are, well, ME.

4. Every thing could be the next big thing. (so do your best and don't be boring) You got invited at the last minute to a fundraiser dinner, you got a new job you don't know alot about, there is a nice boy at your favorite barbeque place that seems to like you. Go with it people, the worst that could happen is its not the next big thing. The best thing that could happen is you go to the fundraiser dinner, make a connection, become the President of the United States. You take the job that leads to another better opportunity. You say hi to that boy, hit it off, and realize he's the man of your dreams.  So put on your best smile, walk in confidence, and always give strong handshakes. no one likes the dead fish.

3. Time slows me down. I have much to much to do to have to focus on a schedule. All of you type A people out there are reading this and popping your high blood pressure medicine while breaking into a cold sweat. Calm down, I just don't do time. The good thing about this is I am very flexible and can fit a ton of activites and responsibilites into a small amount of time. The bad part is our world runs on a schedule. stinkfest, i know. so people like my roommate and my parents and most other people in the world are sometimes (alot of times) annoyed by my lack of caring about time. It's a strength though, I'm playing it as a strength.

2. All people (ALL PEOPLE) are created by God for a purpose. I am a huge believer in this. God doesn't make mistakes. Regardless of race, gender, handicap, addictions, failures, successes, annoyingness, smell, looks- every person is a creation of Jesus and we are called to give them grace.

1. I look at everything as an adventure. (also titled, "unless it's against my convictions, my faith, or my country, I don't say no to anything.) AKA the "I'll try anything once" attitude but better and totally different.  Real life examples- Drive to Glaveston? in the middle of the night? duh.  book a flight at midnight and fly out at 7 the next morning just for fun? of course I did.  teach wakeboarding the same summer I learned it? you betcha. be in robotics club? true, i tried it.  
It is important to know what you want in life. Some people desire a heap of money, or much sucess, or excelling in sports or acadamia. All I want is for my life to be one big adventure. It may not always be the most fun, or the most sucessful, or the weathiest- but its the thrill of the adventure. Its stepping out in faith and following the Lord when you dont see where He's taking you.
In the words of my boy Steven Curtis Chapman- "This is a life like no other, this is the GREAT ADVENTURE."